29 Mar Blazing a Trail with the Eagle Scouts
Stormwater Facilities Invests in Community and Youth
Rich Seitz and Jessica Scruggs, executives at Stormwater Facilities in Anne Arundel County, both believe that paying it forward is always important, but vital when it comes to the next generation. Since the late ‘90s, they have been advocates and volunteers for the Baltimore Area Council Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organizations and their related programs. Now they are using their company’s resources, investing time and funds into Eagle Scout projects.
Jessica began as a den leader in 1999 and Rich became involved in 2006. Both went on to greater areas of responsibility within the BSA. Jessica has volunteered in various capacities—from the troop level as treasurer, to leading Venturing Crews, and now to the Order of the Arrow [National Honor Society of Scouting]. Rich and Stormwater Facilities have contributed construction advice, manpower, equipment and materials to Eagle Scouts when they needed a hand in completing their projects.
When Life Scout James Sandoval decided his vision was to bring curb appeal [and a covered area] to the Harry L. Cooper VFW No. 160 for his Eagle project, Stormwater Facilities volunteered to prepare and help finish the 2,688 square-foot covered patio for the 2597 Dorsey Road location. The Post, which has been there since 1958, hasn’t seen a facelift in over 50 years. Rich brought in heavy equipment from Stormwater Facilities to prepare the site, perform demolition and haul away the debris. He then brought in stone, poured the footers and provided construction knowledge to help James complete his project in the spring of 2019.
Rich and Jessica continue to help Boy and Girl Scouts in their pursuits, as well as Eagle Scouts in completing their projects. “Community service is a permanent thing with us and assisting these future Eagle Scouts gives us great pleasure. We see firsthand the influence we have on these future leaders as they learn what it takes to be successful,” said Rich Seitz. Jessica added, “We’ve become very close to these Boy Scouts, enjoy working with them and love to see them accomplish their goals.” Stormwater Facilities is currently working to support Eagle Scout projects targeted for next year.
Future Eagle Scout James Sandoval proudly displays the progress made on VFW Post 60.
Stormwater Facilities used their heavy construction equipment to demolish the old concrete and prepare the VFW site for a new concrete floor.
BEFORE: VFW Post No. 160 without the planned patio roof.
AFTER: VFW Post No. 160 with new patio roof and the Eagle Scout project completed.